Better Together
If you’ve made it this far, then you’ve likely heard the news that Click Rain and Lemonly are joining forces. This is a monumental occasion for our companies, as we bring together some of the brightest minds (and coolest people) in the industry. It’s a big deal, but it’s really quite simple too. Combining forces will allow us to expand what we can offer our valued clients and ultimately make them more successful.
Want to learn more? Check out our team dynamics and press release.
Click Rain is a people-first digital agency headquartered in downtown Sioux Falls, South Dakota that offers digital marketing and web design & development services.
Lemonly is an infographic design agency based in Sioux Falls, South Dakota that specializes in creating clarity through infographics, animation, and content marketing for the world's best brands.
Our Team Dynamics
Get to know more about our team and how we plan to shake up the marketing world with our new approach to people-first and digital-first marketing.